Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cooking Pot Cake

My right wrist hurt so I had to design something that do not use molds that I have to press on.  Since the birthday lady loves to cook I decided on a cooking pot with vegetables that I can mold freehand.  Coloring/dusting the 'veggies' should not be a problem but kneading the fondant will aggravate the I learn to knead with my left hand.

Because I rely mostly on one hand I could not sculpt cake for the green pepper, potato etc. to be covered with fondant ...instead I use tissue paper inside.  Of coz it would be great if the green pepper can be cut open.... and real cake inside just like the oranges and apples I made before. But....on the plus side the birthday girl can get to keep them for display in her kitchen for as long as our humidity allows.

Of all the veggies that I made, I love the onions the most though I made the mistake of making the roots too earlier.  I should have colored the the bulb first them glue the roots on.  Yeah....many of the roots broke when I tried to color around it.  Drawing the lines was challenging but i love the finishing.  It made the onions look real.

Green pepper, chillies, spring onions were sprayed for a glossy effect.

The pot was 9" diameter and 5" height plain butter cake.

So here's my latest cake.... tada!!!!

The complete set of my Cooking Pot Cake

Close up of the roots of the onions

I love the broken skin of the other onion

Freehand painting of the lemons on the pot

Top view of the Cooking Pot Cake

Birthday greeting on 'note paper'
Close up of painted carrot slices
The cut cake